Context Driven Testing

Context driven testing is an approach applied by QA Valley for conducting testing based on the environments and circumstances under which that software will be used by running only test cases that apply to those situations.

Testing must be suitable to the context of the software project. Context Driven Testing (CDT) is a personal approach to testing that is done through judgment and skills of testers. It is not a set of practices or a technical methodology to solve particular tasks but in fact a challenging intellectual process followed by our software testers at QA Valley. Context Driven Testing conforms to the context of the project and follows continues and creative evaluation of testing opportunities. The context-driven testing approach followed by QA Valley team is based on the belief that our testers are intelligent people who can test a product without even needing any test plan or test cases.

Context Driven Testing and Agile Testing are somehow similar as both advocates for a customer- responsive and humanistic approach. However, Agile testing generally relies upon expensive use of Unit Tests whereas, in Context-Driven Testing, testers may modify how they test during Unit Testing. Agile Testing cannot be done in the absence of effective Unit Testing, but Context-Driven Testing can be done without even Unit Testing. The main aim of the Context-Driven Testing done at QA Valley is to deliver a user-friendly product to the end user. To achieve this objective, our testers do the best using their skills and judgment.

At QA Valley, our testers follow the fundamental principles of Context-Driven Testing to provide you the best services in the testing of the software products. Context Driven Testing is based on some fundamentals principles. First of all, it believes that the value of any practice depends on its contexts and there may be good practices in context but no practices are the best. Second, the product is a solution and if it has problems, it will not work. Third, software testing is a challenging intellectual process, which should be done through judgment and skills of testers for effectively testing the products.